Our servers check every incoming email. The sender, the sender’s trustworthiness, the content of the message and attachments are also checked.
However, 100% spam filtering cannot be guaranteed.
The user can adjust the strength of the spam filter. To do this, you need to log in with the corresponding e-mail address from the Webmail address
https://webmail.domain.com (replace domain.com with your own domain name)
If you’re signed in to Webmail, choose “Webmail Home” from the menu, then choose “Spam Filters”.
If the “Webmail Home” page opens when you log in to Webmail, you can immediately select “Spam Filters” from the menu and there is no need to click on a “Webmail Home” link.
Under “Spam Filters”, you can set a spam threshold to discard any emails whose spam score meets or exceeds a designated threshold. (“Set a custom threshold”).
The higher the number, the softer the spam filter is and the more spam comes through.
The lower the number, the tougher the spam filter is and the less spam it passes through, but the greater is the risk, that some of the important e-mails will get stuck in the filter and will not be delivered.
The user needs to find out a suitable value. We recommend setting the threshold to 5.
You can also add specific filters to filter spam.
Select “Email Filters” from the “Webmail Home” menu.
Click the “Create a New Filter” button to add a filter.
Give the filter a name (it’s just for you, it doesn’t play a role in filtering), a rule, and an action.
Click the “Create” button. It is not necessary to add a separate filter to block each e-mail address, but if the filter already exists, you can simply add additional addresses to the filter with the “Edit” button.
You can also set up a spam filter via the cPanel environment, under the “Spam Filters” menu.
Email filters can also be added via the cPanel environment.
Under the “Global Email Filters” menu, you can add filters that apply to all email accounts on your web hosting account, and under the “Email Filters” menu, you can add filters to each email account separately.
If you see that the SPAM messages have arrived to random, non existing addresses, related to your domain (for example, randomaddress@domain.com), open the “Default Address” menu in the cPanel interface, select the associated domain from the drop-down menu, select “Discard the email while your server processes it by SMTP time with an error message.” and save the setting.
If you are concerned that some of the messages do not reach you (get stuck in the spam filter), you can add the e-mail address of the sender to the white list.
In cPanel, select “Spam Filters > Additional Configurations (For Advanced Users) > Show Additional Configurations > Edit Spam Whitelist Settings > Add A New “whitelist_from” Item”.
Enter the sender’s address in this box and click the “Update Whitelist (whitelist_from)” button.
If you wish to completely block messages from a specific address or domain, in cPanel, select “Spam Filters > Additional Configurations (For Advanced Users) > Show Additional Configurations > Blacklist (Emails Never Allowed) > Edit Spam Blacklist Settings > Add A New “blacklist_from” item” and enter the sender’s address or domain name in the form of “*@domain.com” without quotation marks.