Our servers use the Shared Redis service. If you want to use Redis in your web application, you should activate a local Redis instance in your account according to security recommendations. For this:
1. In the cPanel admin panel, open Files -> File Manager
2. Double-click on the “etc” folder
3. From the top left, click the “+ Folder” button and add a folder named “redis” (without quotes)
4. Go to the redis folder and from the top left, click on the “+ Folder” button and add a folder called “data” (without quotes)
5. At the same time, in the “redis” folder, add a new file – from the top left, click on the “+ File” button and add a file named “redis.conf” (without quotes)
6. Right-click on the “redis.conf” file and click “Edit”
7. Add lines to the file:

port 0
unixsocket /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.sock
unixsocketperm 740
daemonize yes
dir /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/data/
pidfile /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.pid
maxmemory 512mb
maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
databases 16
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes
rdbcompression yes
rdbchecksum yes
dbfilename dump.rdb

8. Check that “YOURUSERNAME” has been replaced correctly in all places in the file with your cPanel administration panel user ID (either np12345 or r12345)
9. Check that “SECUREPASSWORD” has been changed to a secure password of your choice (otherwise, it is still possible to easily access the data in the redis database!)
10. Save the file with the “Save Changes” button and click “Close”
11. In the cPanel admin panel, go to: Advanced -> Cron Jobs
12. Add a new entry to the page by selecting “Once Per Minute” from the first dropdown and the add line in the “Command” text box:

/usr/bin/flock -n /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.lock /bin/redis-server /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.conf > /dev/null 2>&1

13. Check that “YOURUSERNAME” in the “Command” line has been replaced correctly in all places with your cPanel administration panel user ID (either np12345 or r12345)
14. Click on the button “Add New Cron Job” <- this action adds a new automatic job/check that will restart your redis instance if it is not working for any reason!
Congratulations, your Redis instance will activate in approx. within 1 minute and can be connected via the socket you specified in the conf file on the “unixsocket” line and uses the password you specified on the “requirepass” line in the same file


Sample guide to check if your Redis instance is working correctly:
– In cPanel, go to Advanced -> Terminal and type in the command line:

redis-cli -s /home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.sock -a SECUREPASSWORD PING

(Where “YOURUSERNAME” and “SECUREPASSWORD” have been replaced with the cPanel user ID and the secure password stored in the .conf file, respectively)
– If everything works, next the redis screen will display “PONG” – your redis instance is working and it is possible to send requests/data to it.


To use Redis:
– you should specify Socket instead of TCP connection in the settings in your deployed script/add-on
– in addition, under the settings, insert the location of the socket there (in the .conf file, a line without a space in the form “/home/YOURUSERNAME/etc/redis/redis.sock”) and the password of the instance (the one you set instead of “SECUREPASSWORD” in the .conf file!)


Sample script for using redis via PHP:

//Connecting to Redis server is localhost
 $redis = new Redis();
 echo "Connection to server successfully";
 //check whether the server is running or not
 echo "Server is running: ".$redis->ping();


If you manage multiple cPanel accounts on our Services:
And you want to activate more automatically local Redis per user account – you should add it to the root folder of the user account and run the Bash script with the .sh file extension:

REDIS_CLI=$(which redis-cli)  # Update this path based on your redis-cli location
REDIS_SERVER=$(which redis-server)  # Update this path based on your redis-server location
RCRON_TXT="/usr/bin/flock -n $CONFIG_DIR/redis.lock $REDIS_SERVER $CONFIG_FILE"

echo "Step 1: Creating REDIS instance directories"
mkdir -pv $CONFIG_DIR
chmod 755 $CONFIG_DIR
mkdir -pv $USER_REDIS_DIR
chmod 755 $USER_REDIS_DIR

echo "#################"
echo "Step 2: Creating New Redis Config For $USER"
chmod 644 $CONFIG_FILE
PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 15)

if [ -f $config_file ]; then
        echo "port 0"
        echo "unixsocket $SOCK_FILE"
        echo "unixsocketperm 740"
        echo "daemonize yes"
        echo "requirepass $PASSWORD"
        echo "dir $USER_REDIS_DIR"
        echo "pidfile $PID_FILE"
        echo "maxmemory 512mb"
        echo "maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru"
        echo "databases 16"
        echo "save 900 1"
        echo "save 300 10"
        echo "save 60 10000"
        echo "stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes"
        echo "rdbcompression yes"
        echo "rdbchecksum yes"
        echo "dbfilename dump.rdb"
    } > $CONFIG_FILE
    echo "Failed to create the config file $CONFIG_FILE" >&2
    exit 1
echo "#################"
echo "Step 3: Generating CRONTAB entry for $USER"

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * $RCRON_TXT >/dev/null 2>&1") | crontab -

echo "#################"
echo "Step 4: Everything is done, starting instance by command for $USER"
echo  $RCRON_TXT
# Start Redis server and capture the output
echo "#################"

if [ -f $CONFIG_DIR/redis.lock  ]; then
    echo "#################"
    echo "Config for $USER is:"
    echo "#################"
    echo "Socket: $SOCK_FILE"
    echo "Password: $PASSWORD"
    echo "#################"
    echo "FAILED to start Redis for $USER"
    exit 1


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