Radicenter customer support during holidays:
23.12 - until 14:00 (EET)
24.12 - 26.12 Closed
31.12 - until 14:00 (EET)
01.01.25 - closed
All other services work normally as usual - server-team continues to monitor servers 24/7
We wish You happy holidays and all the best for New Year!

1. phpMyAdmin via cPanel

phpmyadmin is usable out-of-box on cPanel servers – cPanel -> DATABASES -> phpMyAdmin
NB! That requires cPanel account credentials!
(Does not work with MySQL user credentials/DB credentials!)


2. Access to MySQL database via Adminier (or thru other 3rd party software written in PHP – that could be uploaded to webhosting account)

Adminier is so-called lightweight one-file application written in PHP. Adminier can be downloaded and added to Your webhosting account to domain root folder. More info, demo and instructions kan be found on page https://www.adminer.org/
NB! It is strongly recommended to put Adminier to separate folder and to protext that folder with .htaccess additional login!


3. Access to MySQL databases thru separate phpMyAdmin installation

1. Use your web browser to go to https://www.phpmyadmin.net, and then click Download.
2. Download the installation .zip file to your local computer.
3. Log on to Your cPanel account.
4. Use FTP (or cPanel FileManager) to upload the .zip file to the public_html directory of your hosting account.
5. In the Files section of the cPanel home screen, click File Manager. In the File Manager window, navigate to the public_html directory.
6. Right-click the .zip file you uploaded in step 3, click Extract, and then click Extract File(s).
(After the extraction finishes, click Close.)
7. The files are extracted into a directory with a name like phpMyAdmin-4.7.6-all-languages. To use a more user-friendly directory name, right-click the directory, click Rename, type the new name, and then click Rename File.
8. Use your web browser to go to the directory name you specified in step 7. The phpMyAdmin login page appears.
(For example, if your domain name is example.com, and the directory name is myphp, you would go to http://example.com/myphp.)
9. Go to phpMyAdmin setup url – for example as: http://example.com/myphp/setup/ (from that subfolder You can manage and create needed config file for Your phpMyAdmin installation)
10. It is strongly recommended to use following settings:
Servers -> New Server:
Basic settings:
– localhost
– Port: 3306
– Use SSL and compress connection should be left blank as all mysqli queries go thru localhost
– Auth type: http
– HTTP Realm: Realm name suitable for You
(Other fields can be left as is)
Server Configuration (for additional security!):
– Allow root login: uncheck!
– “Host authorization order” and “Host authorization rules” – from there only access for certain IP’s can be added/managed
(More info can be found on topic when clicking question-mark next to those fields!.)
11. Click “Apply” (all other settings can be left as-is)
12. Select “Default Server” -> localhost’i and click on “Download” to download generated config file for Your phpMyAdmin separate installation folder.
13. Upload downloaded “config.inc.php” to Your webhosting account to phpmyadmins installation folder.

phpMyAdmin is now configured as separate install and provides access only with working MySQL DB credentials!
More information on this topic and instructions and for phpMyAdmin can be found on page: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/docs/

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Radicenter 2024