You can find answers to the most common concerns from our INSTRUCTIONS.

Accurate information about the error helps speed up the process of identifying and eliminating areas of concern.
Below are some tips:
– always start the message with which domain the error affects
– a picture of an error often says more than a thousand words
1. If there is a concern about sending or receiving e-mails in an e-mail program
check whether sending and receiving emails works via webmail (for example or
When reporting an error, always include a screenshot of the email account settings with the message if possible.

If you have not received e-mails that should have reached you, always send us the following information: from which address, to which address and at what time the letter was sent.

2. If you have a concern with the operation and management of the website, always send us a screenshot of the error / error message along with the e-mail.

3. If you have lost files or e-mails from your account, write to us when they were last present.

4. If you can’t open your website, cPanel interface or e-mail, be sure to let us know the IP address of your internet connection that you can see HERE.

Radicenter 2024